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dream bitches
sanfransisters • olive juice music • 2005

With a name like "Dream Bitches", you might expect these ladies to kick your ass. As they explain it, a dream bitch is:

dream bitch (n): one who is not nice to you (esp. to the point of revealing to you all of your personal flaws and deepest insecurities, "telling you off") in your dreams, regardless of the nature of your real-life relationship. Most often a close friend or lover.

I mean, GULP right? But actually I was really surprised by how sweet and melodic their debut full-length is! Oh yeah, they'll kick your ass, but in a pretty way. (The album opens with a track where they spell out "F-*-C-K this S-H-*-T", eep! I wonder if I can play that on the radio, or would the FCC still fine me?)

Plus, these ladies have a really sweet backstory! Founding members Yoko Kikuchi and Ann Zakaluk apparently met back in seventh grade (that might be a picture of the two in their younger days on the back of the CD?), and now they live together in a "luxury squat" (as they put it) in the Bronx with three cats. How could anyone not like them?

And their music reminds me of awesome adorable indiepop bands like Cub and Bunnygrunt --- they sing about stuff like road trips and fizzy drinks and other people's moms! The album ends with "Song-Storm", an adorable ode to each other, where the girls sing over a solo electric guitar riff where the girls sing "Now I'm singing a song with you" and how they live in the Bronx together. So sweet! (janice.04.06)


four stars

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